av Giordano Berti
The astrological calendar of the ancient Celts contained the wisdom of their magic and the ability to connect them to nature without dominating it.
The Celtic Oracle explores the most ancient Celtic magic and the roots of these people, in particular the Celts of Ireland and of the islands.
The ancient symbols of the sagas and the legends are represented in the Oracle
22 kort (80 x 145 mm) + instruktioner, flerspråkig men ej svenska.
The astrological calendar of the ancient Celts contained the wisdom of their magic and the ability to connect them to nature without dominating it.
The Celtic Oracle explores the most ancient Celtic magic and the roots of these people, in particular the Celts of Ireland and of the islands.
The ancient symbols of the sagas and the legends are represented in the Oracle
22 kort (80 x 145 mm) + instruktioner, flerspråkig men ej svenska.